Promoting Family Togetherness With Communal Computing

Families are often fractured these days, whether through work or social commitments, marriage breakdown, the social lives of children – the list goes on. However it is so important for families to do things together, even when they are amazingly busy. One simple thing to do is to bring establish a family computer for use in a communal family area like the living room – it allows the family to learn and interact together, and is one simple way to promote togetherness as a positive thing.

Every member of the family can get something out of it. Not only is the family spending more time together, but they are doing it in safety and together. The more a family does together, the closer they are, and that’s a simple fact. It is also beneficial for members of the family to see what the others are doing – sort of broadening their horizons and learning new skill sets and concepts at the same time.

For example, the kids could get a lot out of seeing Mom and Dad explore different investment options and comparing online penny stock brokers to try and get a better deal. Not only does it introduce important adult concepts such as responsible investing, but also comparison and analysis. Parents can also help the older kids out by helping to search for jobs for teenagers online in an effort to earn extra money and learn responsibilities and time management.

All in all, moving a computer to a central communal location is a good idea for the whole family. IT promotes togetherness and safety online, which is always the most important issue. It’s important to be a part of each other’s lives, and encouraging a communal focus on online activities is one of the best ways to achieve that – after all the online world is here to stay, it is us that has to adapt.

  • Tailgating Family Style (

Setting Teen Chat Room Rules for your Child

Every parent wants to protect their child from harm and as a parent of a teenager, you are acutely aware of the dangers of the internet.  The news is rife with reports of children who have been targeted by internet predators.  It’s enough to want to make you ban your child the web completely.  You know that is not a feasible solution to the problem, but is there anything parents can do to help protect their children when they are visiting internet chat rooms?

How to Help Your Teen Stay Safe on the Internet

First, be realistic.  You know you can’t forbid your child from visiting chat rooms and make it stick.  Even if they don’t use a home computer, they’ll find a way.  Laptops, friends’ computers, even cell phones with internet access, are all too accessible to your teen.  Besides, the forbidden fruit is always more tempting and if you prohibit chat room use, your child will become more determined than ever to go there.

Instead, help your child find acceptable chat rooms. Look for rooms dedicated solely to teens.  These rooms should have continuous moderation and allow users to report offenders to admin if an unpleasant situation should arise.  Safe sites designed for teens should forbid users from giving out personal information such as phone numbers, email addresses, or locations.  Profane chat should not be permitted.

Talk to your teen about the importance of keeping personal information personal.  Not only should your child not give out information about themselves, they should not give out information about you, either.  Some predators want that info so they can hack into your financial accounts.

Make full use of parental controls and blocking software.  Check your child’s search history frequently and be observant when your child is on the computer.  If rules are broken, that is the time to restrict computer usage.

Get Involved

Don’t be ignorant to social media.  Get involved yourself and you’ll have a better understanding of your teen’s attraction to it.  Set up a Facebook page and get on your child’s friends list.  This gives you an inside look at whom your teen is chatting with and what they are chatting about.  Be cool, though.   You do not want to embarrass your child online.

Finally, talk to your child frequently about safe internet use.  Make it clear that they are never to meet a stranger from the internet anywhere, any time.  Make them understand that yes, it really could happen to them.

Keep your eyes open and the lines of communication unlocked, talk to your child about their internet experiences, and try to relax.  You are doing everything possible to protect your child.

  • Cyber Etiquette for Teens (

Are you looking for someone?

Are you looking for someone?

I still can’t forget Mrs. Keilborn who was my Science teacher when I was in sixth grade.  She took a sincere interest in the education of her students and always made things easier to understand through humor.  She was always friendly to me and used to smile whenever she saw me, and I am quite sure she loved me most out of all other students. Thus I had the reasons to consider her my favorite teacher.  After a few years, I realized what a major influence she had on my life.

Later during my high school and college days, I relied greatly on the advice that I received from Mrs. Keilborn in sixth grade.  When it came time to rear my children, I incorporated her gentle and caring behavior into my own demeanor when dealing with them.  She used to rebuke us differently.  While scolding she would never yell at us with angry words, instead she clearly explained to us what all we had done wrong.

When I grew up I felt the need to offer my gratitude to this kind lady and tell her how she transformed my life.  However, she was now living in a different state than me.  I called the school but she no longer worked for them and the school authorities didn’t feel comfortable giving me her personal details.  I didn’t have many other options.  I felt sad that she may never know the great respect I have for her.  But recently, a friend of mine gave me the name of this website  This website serves as a great resource to find someone with very little information of the person available to you.

When you enter the name of the person in this website, you will immediately have access to all sorts of information about the person which may include the home address, phone number, and other relevant information. The website also helped me to track down the address and phone number of Mrs. Keilborn quite easily.  I called her and there was no offend to her joy!  I didn’t waste the opportunity and told her how important her teachings have been in every phase of my life for all these years.

If you want to find someone, this website can be truly helpful.  You can find a lost friend, your ex-spouse or anyone by using the search features of this website.  Even more serious types of information are also available with the website.  You can get access to the criminal records, civil records, or other important records about someone through the website. You can even check antecedents of your employees, search for your friends, or simply find out information about the people who accompany your children.  To find all of this all that is required is the name of the person!  So, search for someone who is dear to you have lost touch with, take this opportunity to express your feelings for him or her.