Tracking And Locating Sex Offenders On An International Level

Tracking And Locating Sex Offenders

Sex offenders commit some of the worst types of crimes that can be identified within the criminal justice system. Many sex offenders obtain this label by becoming predators of children. The public has a right to know the location of these criminals by performing a sex offenders search. Canada recently addressed the importance of this notion by now requiring that convicted offenders notify Canadian authorities prior to traveling outside the country. This new condition allows Canadian officials to alert the destination country of the arrival of a convicted Canadian sex offender.

Goodbye Sex Offenders, We'll Always Have Twitt...
Goodbye Sex Offenders, We’ll Always Have Twitter – The Controverse 54 REMIX (Photo credit: oxmour)

This new found sense of urgency by Canadian officials’ further promises a more streamlined and accessible national database. This will enhance a sex offenders search performed by the general public when using the new and efficient database that was originally pieced together with poor navigation. High risk child sex offenders will be easily highlighted by the database. The new measures will be incorporated in a legislative act outlining penalties for offenders to be reviewed by Parliament in the fall.

These regulations will ensure that parole and probation officers along with convicted sex offenders alert police of any international travel plans well in advance of the dates of travel. Canadian border guards will be advised by police under identifiable circumstances to inform the destination country that a dangerous offender will be arriving shortly. The new procedures will display the seriousness that Canadian officials take toward the tracking and locating of dangerous sex offenders on an international level. The overall communication between officials at all levels of government is expected to improve exponentially with these measures in place.

Sex Offenders Search – Knowing Your Neighbor!

Sex Offenders Search – Knowing Your Neighbor!

A new law that has been recently brought into the state of Florida allows the public to know who the sex offenders are in the local area or offenders who live in their proximity – this new legislation even goes as far as allowing the public to conduct their own sex offender search if they are worried about something. Carrying out this sex offender search is perfectly acceptable and actually more common than you think – it is even possible to do it from your own home computer.

Registered Sex Offenders
Registered Sex Offenders (Photo credit: War Crimes)

By law in the state of Florida, all people who have been caught breaking the law with regards to sex crimes are required to register with the law enforcement authorities and their exact whereabouts are known at all times – it does not stop there however; the said sex offender is on a list that is made public online and his or her mugshot is taken and it accompanies the name on the list – making it plain and simple who the offender is.

A sex offender search online may seem like a controversial issue and many may argue it is going too far – but it is essential to people, especially parents who want to protect their children from possible harm in the future.

The database contains those who have been convicted of a sexual offence and those who are also deemed as sexual predators by the court. The database dates back to 1997 for offenders (whose names will remain on the list indefinitely) and from 1993 for those who are considered to be sexual predators and a possible threat to civilians.

A number of sites online will allow you to carry out this search. The searches online are simple to use and user friendly. Firstly, if you have any concerns or are simply just curious about your surroundings type in both the name of your area including your ZIP code into the search box of the sex offender search registry and hit enter.

If, indeed there are sex offenders living in your area you will be quickly given a list of names of all of those convicted and those considered potential danger. Not only will the list give you their names, but it will give you as much of a physical description as possible about the said offender; including: * The full name of the offender (including any other name that they may go by i.e. nickname)* Full address (even including a map of how to reach this location)* Mugshot photograph* Their sexual offender status (ie. offender or predator)* Sex* Age* Height* Weight* Eye colour* Distinguishable marks i.e. tattoo or scar* Offence they are accused of * Date of offenceThe list is quite thorough and gives people the right to research their neighbors well.

Remember, that this is a list of potentially dangerous people, do not under any circumstances try to take the law into your own hands – the list is there to inform you of who to avoid.

So, if you want to carry out a sex offender search you can visit the following:* FDLE site (Florida sexual offenders and predators)* City data register* Sheriff online

Sex Offenders Can’t Be Banned From Facebook

Banned From Facebook

An appeals court decided that sex offenders are not allowed to be banned from Facebook.

A United States appeals court has decided that a law passed in Indiana last year banning registered sex offenders from using social media sites online is not legal.

The ACLU challenged the law a year ago, but it was upheld by a judge in Indiana.  The court recognizes that social media is an important part of today’s society, and offenders online have the same needs for social media that other people do.

The ACLU argues that the law was too restrictive, and it prohibited too many activities that are protected by the First Amendment.

The way the law was written, it barred sex offenders from using online social media to look for jobs on social media sites like LinkedIn.  They also could not post on news sites.  Social media can also be used to follow religious or political figures.

The ACLU feels that existing laws protect children from sex offenders, and this new law was too restrictive without offering more protection.

The Court of Appeals agreed with the ACLU, claiming that banning sex offenders from using social media infringed on their First Amendment right of free speech.  The ruling from this higher court overturned the ruling from last year.

Another reason for the decision is that the Court recognizes that the State already has a law stating that adults can not have inappropriate communication with children, and this new law restricted the same thing and more.

The Lawmaker Who Wants To Use GPS For Sex Offender Tracking

Jackson, MS (Mississippi News Now)-

One State Senator, Will Longwitz is proposing a reformed way of registering sex offenders which will change the way that those living nearby are notified concerning the whereabouts of the offenders.

The Senator believes that money can be saved by making use of the technology available to law enforcement. This will also allow the reduction of man hours needed to keep track of sex offenders.

Following the lead of 16 other states that are using similar methods, Longwitz explains that the offenders would be rated on how dangerous they are to society. Those who are most harmful would be required to wear a GPS device for monitoring purposes.

Sign, Wapello, Iowa. This was put up in reacti...
Sign, Wapello, Iowa. This was put up in reaction to Megan’s Law. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

This monitoring device would allow law enforcement to be notified if the offender should leave their restricted area. If would also sound an alarm if the offender were to get too near a school.

Although these laws do exist in other states, they have been disputed in court.

The proposed law would require the sex offender to assist in covering the GPS monitor costs.

Because most employers will not hire convicts, there is a high rate of homelessness among those who have been in jail. However, it is important that these offenders have as much penalties as possible when it comes to paying restitution.

Longwitz notes that this type of device might have saved Lenora Edhegard who was killed in October by Cortrell Rose. Had Rose been monitored, he would have not been able to use a fake address and have access to Lenora Edhegard.

Along with the requirement of registering every 90 days and having a recent photo on file, the new law would require the offender to mail letters to area residents that they have moved into the neighborhood.

Because there are so many non-compliant offenders, law enforcement needs the help of area citizens. If someone raises suspicion, citizens are asked to report it to the authorities.

Dirk Monseur Violated Laws For Sex Offenders

A sex offender that was arrested before has been arrested again in Charlotte North Carolina for not complying with the terms of sex offender laws. Dirk Walker Monseur, Jr. (Dirk Monseur), 34, violated the terms put in place for sex offenders by helping a team consisting of children six to eight years old.

The felony arrest happened at Granite Falls Park after parents said he volunteered to help the parents of the children with a normal practice session. Sex offenders are not allowed to be around children following a conviction in the state.

Though Monseur is not the father of any of the children, he allegedly has a relationship with at least three of the young players’ mothers.

Monseur previously served a 2 1/2 year prison term for not complying with sex offender laws because he failed to sign the registered offenders list. This infraction may get him more jail time, there is no sign of him violating any of the children.

However, North Carolina does not take that into consideration. The laws in North Carolina prohibit any registered sex offender to be on the premises of any place that has to do with minors.

The observer reports this includes any place that minors may come together for social events, recreational events or educational program. It makes sense to say Monseur’s helping a youth team classifies as such a place.

Parents are now for certain their kids are safe. If a parent is unsure about someone in their area, they can do an offenders search online. A basic offenders search is  free of charge.

Sex Offenders Registry Indiana

Sex Offenders Registry Indiana

State of resident sex offender checks may not be enough to find out if someone you are hiring or someone living in your neighborhood is a registered sex offender. The Supreme Court ruled today that a sex offender from Alabama did not need to register in Indiana after a relocation because his conviction predated the passage of the law that requires sex offenders to register. Thomas Carr was arrested in 2004 in Alabama on first degree sexual abuse of a minor but the Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act (SORNA) wasn’t passed until 2006. He … Read more at Sex Offenders Search

Sex Offenders Registry Indiana

State of resident sex offender checks may not be enough to find out if someone you are hiring or someone living in your neighborhood is a registered sex offender. The Supreme Court ruled today that a sex offender from Alabama did not need to register in Indiana after a relocation because his conviction predated the passage of the law that requires sex offenders to register. Thomas Carr was arrested in 2004 in Alabama on first degree sexual abuse of a minor but the Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act (SORNA) wasn’t passed until 2006. He successfully argued that the law doesn’t required a sex offender who moves from one state to the next to register in the new state when his conviction occurred prior to the passage of the law.

The decision of the court came down to a single word, ‘travels’. By using the present tense of the word in the law instead of a past tense like ‘traveled’, the legislature left an exception open for those convicted prior to the law who move across state lines. Now it becomes necessary to check past state residences for sex offender status to ensure that a prospective employee is not a sex offender in another state. Hope remains that congress will modify the law at some time in the future to close this loophole discovered by Thomas Carr and his attorney.

Carr was sentenced to 30 months in jail for violation of the SORNA law and the Obama administration had hope that the Supreme Court justices saw the administration’s interruption of the law as correct and would let the sentencing stand. Carr is now free and dissension by 3 judges was a warning to many that thousands of sex offenders do not need to register in their current state of residence because of the court decisions.