The rise in availability of home drug testing kits and technology has seen a parallel rise in a related industry: products that manipulate drug test results. While none of these products truly come out and say that’s what they’re for, a quick internet search or talk with the clerk at the shop will tell you that beating a drug test is exactly what they are for.
For parents or even private schools which use drug testing as a means of keeping kids and students in check, these products aren’t just a nuisance. They turn the whole point of drug testing on its head and make a mockery of the system. The problem is that in today’s world information is so entirely accessible with search engines and the internet, that kids have quickly figured out how to beat the system. It’s not “underground sites” that sell these products. It’s the sites you know and love: Amazon and Ebay, to name a few. You can find everything from QCarbo32 drug test drinks here to pills to even fake urine, all of which are used in a semi-illegal manner to trick the results of testing, whether through urine or hair analysis.
What’s needed is a test that tests for products designed to trick the tests.
Or maybe not. Maybe what’s needed is parents to know what these products are and be able to identify them in the house. It’s not the most noble act, but more than one kid has been caught using them by his Dad finding the empty plastic jug of QCarbo32 in his sons trash can.
But what if the kid takes the intelligent step off destroying the evidence – what then?
And therein lies the problem. How do you fight against that? The truth is that you can’t.
Maybe home drug tests aren’t really a good weapon after all.
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