La Porte County Sheriffs are urging parents to do an online Local Sex Offenders List search prior to trick-or-treat night in their community this Halloween. Registered sex offenders in their immediate area should be avoided on Halloween is the suggestion being given to parents on this annual night out for kids. Make sure to Search Local Sex Offender Databases today.
The online service is free provided by the sheriffs office and parents not in the county can do sex offender searches on national databases or a site within their state to find the location of sex offenders. According to the police in La Porte County, there are 190 sex offenders in the county with 52 offenders against children and 46 violent predators. That’s enough to scare any parent.
Sheriff Major John Boyd feels that his department does an excellent job of keeping the offender database up-to-date with current registered offender addresses. He stresses that over 50% of sex offenses happen within one mile of a victim’s home and 75% of victims know their offender.

Keep your kids safe this trick-or-treat season by visiting the website and running the OffenderWatch system for your area.
FDLE Makes It Easy To Check the Local Sex Offenders List
There is a tool made available by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement to check for sex offenders in the area.
Checking for sex predators has never been easier, just visit the FDLE’s neighborhood search website. All you have to do is check an address and the results will show in a list or map revealing anyone nearby who has been convicted of a sex crime.
Once you have the list of names, you are not left worrying about faceless convicted criminals who could be anyone. Each person will have their photo, status, and summery of their conviction.
Additional Efforts for Safety:
HCSO Maj. Chad Chronister stated that “There will be no Halloween for the 132 sex predators.” He explained that there over 2,000 sex offenders in Hillsborough County 132 of them are sex predators. Sex predators are more serious sexual offenders, such as those who have been convicted of crimes against children and teenagers.
Local deputies have been going to door to door to make it clear to known sexual predators that they are not permitted to participate in trick or treating. Parents can do their part in advance, but the offenders will know as well. Search your Local Sex Offenders List today.