Anxiety is a very tiring and upsetting mental disorder. It happens when adrenaline buildups up at an inappropriate time, without apparent reasons or in the absence of real threat or danger which makes anxiety patients feel extreme fear, worry, nervousness and apprehension anytime and anywhere. This is the reason why many of the anxiety sufferers choose to not go out to a crowded place or in the public fearing that their anxiety might attack again. With this, performances at work or school and relationships with other people are badly affected. Major types of anxiety disorders include panic disorder, phobia, social anxiety disorder, generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), post-traumatic stress disorder, obsessive-compulsive anxiety disorder and separation anxiety disorder. When these anxiety disorders are not treated immediately, these can reach to a level which disable its patients on functioning properly, affecting the whole-being of the patients. There are hundreds of physical and mental symptoms that are possible to happen to you when you have an anxiety disorder. But typical symptoms include chest pains, rapid heartbeats, heart palpitations, hyperventilation, shortness of breath, excessive sweating, shaking, tingling in arms, fingers or legs, headaches, backaches, dry mouth, lump in the throat, dizziness, nausea, lightheadedness, insomnia, inability to concentrate, distorted vision, sexual dysfunction, restlessness, irritability, anticipation of something worse going to happen, loss of self-control and derealization.
Many anxiety patients do not know that as simple regular exercise can help in reducing and treating anxiety eventually. Regular exercises can do wonders not only on your body but in your emotions and mental state of being as well. There are several reasons why exercises are effective in preventing, reducing and treating anxiety. Physical exercises such as long walks, jogging, and running, playing tennis, swimming and everything that makes you sweat out can relieve tension, stress and anxiety by releasing your excess adrenaline and negative thoughts and emotions through sweating in physical activities which makes you relax, calm and confident about your body. Exercises distract you from the worry and fear that you feel, stimulate the nervous system, and increase the blood flow to your brain that helps in the production of happy hormones called endorphins that makes improve and lighten up your mood. You can learn and practice anxiety breathing exercises and relaxation techniques as well. Anxiety can make its patients to breathe shallowly resulting to shortness of breath. Deep and slow abdominal breathing can help patients stay calm and relax during anxiety attacks. Yoga and meditation are also very helpful in reducing and relieving anxiety as these can make your mind free from unwanted depressing thoughts and can improve your mood too.
Any kind of exercise can help you fight anxiety. Remember to always choose physical activities that you enjoy doing. Start doing exercises slowly so your body won’t get shocked. And lastly, always consult to your doctor to make sure that what you do is appropriate for you.
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